PAMS Gifted Program

Princess Anne Middle School Gifted Education

Archive for December, 2018

PAMS Gifted Program Update–12/18/2018


Please check out the Prowling Around the Cluster Classrooms page on the blog and see the really cool things the cluster teachers are providing for their students to challenge them beyond the regular curriculum.  Lots of pictures!   CLOSE–BUT YET SO FAR!  Winter Break is A-L-M-O-S-T here, but not yet!  Please encourage your students to hang […]

PAMS Gifted Program Information, 12/17/2018


What is student self-advocacy?  Between now and the middle of January, I will be meeting with all gifted students through their social studies classes to present a workshop about amplifying their student voice through self-advocacy.  The definition of self-advocacy that we are using is from Deb Douglas, a noted special needs educator:  “…the process of […]

PAMS Gifted Information, 12/6/2018


Why would a child feel ashamed of being gifted?  Here is an interesting article I ran across through the NAGC newsbrief I receive frequently.  Please take a moment to read this information regarding social-emotional needs of gifted students–Do you know the difference between guilt and shame?  How do our sensitive gifted students deal with shaming?  How Not […]


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