PAMS Gifted Program

Princess Anne Middle School Gifted Education

Archive for November, 2021

PAMS Gifted Program Update; 11/19/21


Fourteenth Annual African American Male Summit and Leadership Retreat Event Date: Saturday, January 8, 2022, 8:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. Event will be Virtual – links to be provided after registration ends Contact us at 757-263-1936 or   The VBCPS Office for Diversity, Equity and Inclusion, with Salem High School, will host the fourteenth […]

PAMS Gifted Program Update, 11/16/21


For information about Virginia Space Grant Consortium’s FREE, university-based summer residential program (and a clearer view of the flier), click here:

PAMS Gifted Program Update, 11/4/21


Gifted Club with the different grade levels has been so much fun for me as I get to interact with the kids in a totally different way than in the academic setting.  I hope the students have been enjoying themselves.  The two STEM challenges that we have done have been “brain-pain” inducing (as one student […]

PAMS Gifted Program Update, 11/3/21


A HUGE shout-out to our PAMS soccer teams who are headed to the City Championship tomorrow! Student Activities will be sponsoring a “Trip to the Championship!”  Princess Anne Middle School’s Boys’ and Girls’ Soccer Teams will be playing for the Middle School City Championships tomorrow at the Virginia Beach Sports Plex.   For $10, the students […]


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