PAMS Gifted Program

Princess Anne Middle School Gifted Education

Archive for May, 2022

PAMS Gifted Program Update, 5/27/22


SOLs are in full swing!  Please remind your child to bring a book to read when they are finished with their test and to do their very best!   These came across my desk–please remember that I do not endorse these programs, but I want you to know about opportunities that exist for students who […]

PAMS Gifted Program Update, 5/15/22


In this blog post, please find information about the SOL testing schedule, Panther Partners, Gifted Club, a proposed gifted parent book club, and save-the-date for the VBCPS Gifted Symposium this summer! We are in the home stretch for finishing the curriculum and reviewing for SOLs which begin May 24.  Please check the  PAMS SOL Testing […]

PAMS Gifted Program Update, 5/5/22


In this blog post, please find information about Gifted Club; VAG parent workshop; and summer learning program opportunities for your child. Gifted Club will meet on Monday, May 9, 2022, from 4:30-6:00 PM in the STEM Lab C106.  Students who came to the April 25 meeting should return (if they would like, of course) to […]


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