PAMS Gifted Program

Princess Anne Middle School Gifted Education

Archive for June, 2022

Gifted Symposium Information


Hello— Here is the information about the VBCPS Gifted Symposium to be held in August!  Please go to the Google Site and find the sign-up link! Gifted Symposium Google Site Hope you’re enjoying your first week of your child’s summer break!

PAMS Gifted Program Update (Last one, I promise!), 6/16/2022


VBCPS Gifted Program Virtual Summer Symposium will be held on Tuesday, August 9, 2022.  Informative and engaging sessions for parents, teachers, and administrators!  Please see the flyer linked below for more information!  Hope to “see” you there!  2022_Gifted_Summer_Symposium_At-a-Glance Over the summer, I do check my work email occasionally, so please reach out if you have […]

PAMS Gifted Program Update, 6/14/2022


Dear Parents of Students in the Gifted Program: Thank you for your support throughout this challenging year.  We persevered through so much during the pandemic and certainly learned a lot about being flexible, compassionate, and yet, still firm in our expectations.  We figured out which instructional strategies we dearly missed using because of social distancing, […]


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