PAMS Gifted Program

Princess Anne Middle School Gifted Education

Archive for February, 2023

PAMS Gifted Program Update, 2/24/23


In this PAMS Gifted Program blog post, please find information about March Gifted Club, March Gifted Lunch, Camp Woods and Wildlife sponsored by the Virginia Depart of Forestry, and information from Dr. Spence about a parent webinar on school safety. Please check out the Prowling Around the Panther Cluster Classrooms and Gifted Club pictures (go […]

PAMS Gifted Program Update: 2/14/23


In this PAMS Gifted Program blog post, please find information about Gifted Parent Webinar on Executive Functioning Skills; Gifted Club; and 2e Parent/Educator Conference at William and Mary.   Gifted Parent Webinar Supporting Lifelong Success Introduction to Executive Functioning Skills:  Many of you indicated at the beginning of the year that you are interested in […]

PAMS Gifted Program Update, 2/2/23


In this blog post, please find information about Gifted Club, Gifted Lunch, Transitioning to the next grade level, and Literacy Month. GIFTED CLUB FOR FEBRUARY:  I polled students who usually come to Gifted Club about what they would like to do this month.  We will need some supplies, so if you are able to donate, it […]


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